Thursday, January 18, 2007

Contract extension

3 days between posts, I haven't done that in a while!

Alriiiiiight...continuing from last post, I'm pretty sure I just strained the tendon of the biceps femoris in the snow during my run on Sunday because it felt better after using the foam roller on Monday and hasn't bothered me since. Tuesday I did 4 and a half miles on the elliptical and all went well. Wednesday brought more physical therapy, and for some reason I just got this feeling that things are really gonna be ok. Like I had it before, but I just got very confident about the feeling this time around. We did some more functional exercises during this session and it really seemed to help everything as a whole. That was supposed to be my last session of PT but my physical therapist thought I needed some more sesssions, so we scheduled 4 more for the time being and then we'll go from there.

This afternoon I did speed intervals on the elliptical where I warmed up for 5 minutes, did 2 minutes easy/2 minutes fast for 25 minutes, and then did about a 10 minute cool all added up to 4 miles, but it was nice to finally get in some semblance of a speed workout for the first time in a while.

As for Playmakers, Monday was originally my last day of work since it was the last day of the sidewalk sale, but one of the higher-uppers asked if I wanted to work some more days this week. Heck yea, to be analogous to sports, a contract extension! So they scheduled me for Tuesday, Wednesday and tomorrow (Friday), and most of the work they had me doing the past couple of days was behind-the-scenes cleaning up from the sale and also transferring new in-season shoes to the shelves and whatnot. So now tomorrow is my new last day and I'm hoping I'll get the call up to the big show for good. One of the guys that runs a bunch of the races around here, Tony, is your typical badass - shaved head, goatee, tattoos, etc. - but he's such a nice guy, and he's been working at the store for about 3 months. Anyway, before I left work on Wednesday, I made it a point to say bye to him and he took me aside and told me that he put in a good word for me. Sooooo I don't know how much weight that will carry, but it's a good sign! I guess we'll find out soon enough.


At Sat Jan 20, 02:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on a little contract extension. I hope next time it's a more permanent contract!

I'm glad to hear you're feeling positive. It sounds like your PT is going well. More sessions definitely can't hurt!

Now it's my turn to get some advice from you. You had plantar fasciitis issues and I remember you said you had to roll your foot over a frozen water bottle. Anything else? I'm having issues that aren't resolving fast enough for me. :) I could use some suggestions.


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