Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Tis the season to be sick

All this sun and sand is keeping me from typing up a post on a regular basis. It's also too bad that the sun and sand can't keep me from getting sick. It almost seems like clockwork - I always get sick right around Christmas and this time around it was a pretty decent cold. Oh least I'm in the "getting over it" phase.

Let's see...Saturday I swam, Sunday I ran 4 miles. I did the same "course" as I did for my previous run, and I had wanted to do a somewhat longer run of at least 5 miles. Well, I took it easy and just went with how my body felt, and I ended up only doing four because I had a little discomfort on the knee. The way I figure, a little bit of discomfort is much better than a lot of discomfort. Monday I took a rest day because I was really feeling sick, and then Tuesday I ran again.

I found another place close to here that resembles a track. It's an asphalt sidewalk that makes a figure-eight - inside one circle is a soccer field and inside the other is a softball field. I measured the loops on and the one surrounding the soccer field is a quarter mile.....perfect! The main reason I wanted to run here as opposed to the previous spot was because this sidewalk "track" was surrounded by soft grass whereas the other place wasn't, so it was definitely easier on my knee. I took it easy and ran 3.5 miles, and felt great afterwards.

I really think I'm finally getting over that injury hump, just as long as I keep taking care of business which includes icing the knee/IT band 2-3x a day, stretching a bunch, and doing the exercises they gave me in physical therapy. Patience is a virtue.


At Thu Dec 28, 01:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry you got sick on vacation. That always seems to happen when you can finally relax and let down. I was sick the first few days of my Winter break, too. What a bummer.

On a positive note, I'm so glad that your running, etc. is going well. Keep listening to your body. It sounds like you're doing that pretty well! Enjoy the rest of your vacation! :)

At Fri Dec 29, 02:58:00 PM, Blogger Jess said...

I'm glad to hear you've been able to get a decent amount of running in without lots of pain! Yay! for being on the road to recovery!!!

As for pole-dancing lol...we're going again next semester because it was so much fun. Scandalous x 2 :o)

Hope you're having fun in Hawaii!


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