Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm done

Since my last post, I have completed two papers (one was 12 pages with all the juicy good stuff that all long papers should have), taken one "midterm" exam, and taken three final exams. Oh yea, and I also graduated! I'm now proud to call myself an alum of Michigan State University. :)

So you can see why I haven't had time to post until now. Let's update on everything that has happened... last Tuesday I started physical therapy and they did their initial evaluation. It's hard to explain in words, but what they found is that my arches are higher than normal and when I put pressure on the feet (such as when running), the arches collapse and it creates torque on the outer side of the knee. So they told me to buy these stabilizer inserts that effectively keep my arch from collapsing too much and reducing that torque. They've been working so far...

Thursday was my first real session of PT and they put me through all sorts of exercises and wow, was I sore the next day! That's what I get. Friday I went on the elliptical for 3.5 miles and felt great, so I decided to try to run on Sunday.

Yea, riiiiiight....I stayed close to home just in case and sure enough, the knee started hurting after about 2 miles. Nothing like a lingering injury to dampen an otherwise okay day. The pain slowly went away as afternoon turned to evening turned to night and then it was gone the next day. Weirdest thing ever. And it didn't hurt at all during my PT session yesterday. Today I biked about 10 miles and did a bunch of walking and it all felt fine. I just don't understand it...all I want is to be running again, is that too much to ask?

Ugh. More physical therapy in the morning. I wish I could add this injury to the list of things at the top of the post that I'm done with.


At Sat Dec 16, 12:52:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on graduating! That's awesome! Now what????

Don't start getting attitude about PT - think of the benefits. Embrace the therapy. :) Keep up the hard work. Remember everything is a step towards running again. Be a good patient. :)

Enjoy your freedom from homework!

At Sun Dec 17, 11:40:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Hey! Congrats on your graduation!!!! (And getting through finals and all that crap haha)

I really hope the PT pays off and that you can get back to running soon.

Anndddd if you are going to do Boston in the spring you should let me know because my roommate is going to be "abroad" interning in Boston...and I can't really think of a better time to visit her than when the marathon's there!


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