Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Shipping error

I thought I'd have more free time now that I graduated, but apparently that hasn't been in the works for to make a long story short:

Sunday I felt good so I tried my hand at running 6 miles. The first 3 miles felt great, but that's only because I was thinking of how freaking cold it was and it took my mind off of everything else. I came from 80 degree weather back to a run in 32 degrees with a wind chill of 27. Oh well, it's January in Michigan, what should I expect? After 5 miles, right near the end, I kind of felt a little bit of discomfort in the knee, but nothing to really be alarmed about.

Monday when I was at PT, my physical therapist was checking the alignment of my vertebrae and he noticed that I had a couple of minor curvature problems, which is something that I've known about since high school but hasn't ever bothered me at all. His theory was that was just how I was "shipped from the factory", and it's been offset by the fact that I have a good core, but he also said that it also may be the reason why this IT band thing happened too. Just a theory.

Tuesday I did 4 miles on the elliptical....or I should say 1.4 miles before the fire alarm went off, and then 2.6 more when we were allowed back in the rec building. Everything felt fine during the exercise, but I did have a wee bit of dull pain on the leg during the day.

This morning at physical therapy I got my knee taped so that my patella is supported toward the medial side of my leg. My physical therapist taped it pretty aggressively, so I can't bend it too far but he said I'll get used to it as the day wears on. He said he wants me to try running on it, so I'll probably jump on the treadmill when I have time tonight. I'm not so sure it's going to help me at all, but he's the one who's making money so I'll trust him on this one.

Alright, I'll try to make an effort to not wait 6 days between posts now...


At Wed Jan 10, 10:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justin,

Good luck with the band around your knee, hope that helps you. Yeah it's really cold in Michigan right now. I went running the other day it felt great! We'll write me an e-mail some time please? thanks!


At Sat Jan 13, 01:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm inclined to believe that your spine is part of your ITB issue. I'm taking a class right now on how the alignment of the body is so interconnected. I've only been to one class, but maybe I'll be able to give you more info. when I'm done with my class. :) As for the knee taping. . . . my PT did that for me, too. It helped temporarily, but for me it was just masking the issue for a short time. My non-professional opinion. . . see someone about your back! Good luck with your running.


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