Everybody ready for a happy and non-frustrated post? Brace yourself...
Good news and bad news first though. The bad news is that I didn't call the doc last week like I said I would. Most of it was because I had a million and five things on my mind and I just kind of forgot about it. The good news? I think I finally found a solution to the problem!
Recall a couple of posts ago where I mentioned that a physical therapist recommended something called fibular head mobilizations. I found out more about them a few days later at the injury clinic and it felt like it temporarily did some good. So I had them do it again a couple weeks later and it produced the same result. Basically all they do is get a grip on the head of the fibula and try to loosen the joint a little bit. This past Wednesday I went back in to have them do it again, and the physical therapist noticed that my left fibula moved pretty easily while my right fibula (the injured leg) was pretty tight. After some poking and prodding, she eventually got it loosened up, but mentioned that I'm gonna have to do some work on my own to keep it like that. So I've been doing that every once in a while since then and I actually feel like all of my knee problems are going away. It's just weird that I never thought of something so simple as the fibula as causing these problems. It makes sense though based on where my pain has been.
So that's one thing that's exciting. The other is that I'm ready and eager to undergo a total makeover. Well it's not that extreme...I'm just changing my gait to be more biomechanically efficient because I'm convinced that has played a role in my injury too. The owner of Playmakers practices and also is a firm believer in Chi Running, where the major points are that you strike the ground on the midfoot and also keep your center of gravity over your legs. During these injury clinics on Wednesday nights, he's there to promote Chi Running/good form and also has one of the other employees (the one who was in the last Olympics, so obviously he runs with good form too) help educate customers on what good form looks like. Usually I work on those nights, so I've been kind of watching them while I'm not with a customer and I've absorbed a lot of good info. Sometimes I have to go to the back to get a shoe or something, so I jog back there and lately I've been kind of practicing this new and impr

Sooooooo all in all, I've definitely been feeling better. That's what keeping a positive outlook does for you. I've still been swimming and doing my exercises and stretching, and I'm not about to rush back into things either - I'm gonna start on the elliptical and bike and then work my way from there. I've been out far too long to set myself back even further, but I'm still gonna wait a few days to start all that...just to make sure.
I'm am so excited to hear that things finally may be on the upswing for you!
I'm so glad to hear good news! It sounds like you are definitely on the right track here. :) I'm also glad that you are taking your time about getting back to running. Your body needs to adjust to its new positions and running form before you go at it 100%. Remember, you may get sore from the changes - don't let it discourage you. I can't say how happy I am for you. This is awesome news! :)
I forgot to ask. . . . have you heard back on your MCAT (hope I got the right acronym) yet? Did I miss that post?
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