Sunday, April 01, 2007

Solving the riddle

Well if there's one thing that makes my knee feel somewhat better, it's definitely swimming in the pool. So I'm making that a Mon-Wed-Fri deal for the near future. I was talking to somebody about my injury the other day and was explaining to them how I've been trying everything in the book, but nothing has seemed to get me over the top and past this injury. I likened it to a riddle and I'm trying to find clues to solve it. Or it's also like those hard-as-hell Sudoku puzzles that you just get so frustrated with and wanna throw the book at somebody...but there's something inside of you that KNOWS there's a logical way to solve it so you just keep plugging away at it.

Ok well maybe that was a stretch...but you get the gist of it. While I was working on Saturday, I felt like I found another little clue. One of the PTs at the clinic I went to for physical therapy came in and he was wondering how I was doing, since the last time he saw me was at the clinic. I gave him the rundown and he was sympathetic that I'm not running Boston, but I told him the current information about how it's feeling now...

I don't think I've said too much about it in recent posts, but I get some pain on the lateral condyle of my right tibia every now and then...which makes sense because that's where the IT Band inserts. I also get pain on my fibular head too, but that pales in comparison to the tibia, and sometimes I feel like I have pain on the tendon of my biceps femoris (lateral hamstring...which inserts on the fibular head). So there's pain in those two places...I also get this feeling of weakness/tightness all the time in the area proximal and lateral to the lateral condyle of the tibia. So on my right leg, it's up and to the case some of you don't know anatomical terminology. Also, during times when my knee is flexed (such as when I sit for a while or when I curl up when I sleep), I can start to feel my pulse in that area. I know that it is part of the imflammatory response...but honestly, what is it still repairing??

If anybody has any insight to any of that, let me know. Anyway, I told Chris (the PT) all of that and he wondered if I had sprained my ankle recently. I said no, but he said that may have screwed up the alignment of my fibula if that was the case. We discussed it a little bit more, but eventually he had to go and he told me to go back to the injury clinic this Wednesday and talk to the one PT I talked to last week. He told me to ask her about "fibular head mobilizations" I guess I'll soon figure out what those are. So hopefully I'll have some good news after Wednesday.

All in all, I feel like my patience has been tested, BIG time. And I just gotta keep on keeping on, so to speak. This past Thursday marked 5 months since the injury occured, so part of me is getting really frustrated. Especially when I see people running outside because it's getting warmer, and friends ask me if I wanna go running with them, not realizing that I'm still on the injured list. Patience...
"Something tells me that this is going to make sense,
Something tells me it's going to take patience,
Something tells me that this will all work out in the end."
--"The One I'm Waiting For" by Relient K


At Mon Apr 02, 08:30:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 months since your injury. It sounds like you're doing all the right things though. Hitting the pool, doing PT, etc etc. I know that doesn't make it any less frustrating though. Keep truckin' along....things have to improve eventually.

P.S. Good luck on the MCAT!

At Tue Apr 03, 07:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really wish you were close enough to go to ADAPT. They really analyze the whole body. Have you had anyone do a gait analysis of you? Running AND walking? (They should do it without your shoes on!) I hate to say it, but your continued pain could be a result of your body compensating for your orthotics. Mine helped temporarily and then all the aches/pains came back again. Even though I over-pronate, I've done much better without the orthotics. I'll never go back to them!

Keep working on those hips! And I hope that you find out something new from the PT.

At Wed Apr 11, 11:46:00 AM, Blogger mjpsig said...

Man, your discription of your injury is EXACTLY what i am going through. I've been in PT for about two weeks now. I have incredibly tight IT bands, which are greatly improved by Ultrasound and deep tissue massage. But the hidden pain is in the fibula head. I sometimes wonder if this current problem is in some way a result of my stress fracture last fall in my opposite tibia. Maybe that injury through off my gait. Have you had any previous injuries, before this one?

Keep working through it!!! I'm sure it will improve!


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