Thursday, March 08, 2007

Same old story

Honestly I've had no motivation to post anything lately because it sort of seems like each post is the exact same nowadays. If there's one thing to report on this week, it's that I felt good on Tuesday so I tried 3 miles on the treadmill. I felt alright, not great, during the run, and that night and the next day (yesterday) were about the same. Then came knee has been bugging me all day, on the lateral side where the IT band is. It's so frustrating because I am or have been doing everything that people have recommended in the past couple of months and none of it seems to be helping. I took the day off today from any workout and I've been icing the knee every couple of hours and it feels a little better....but still, it just sucks. If anything good has come out of the last week, it's that my arch pain has gone away.

In response to Eric...I've been trying to suck it up but it hasn't made things any better, and like you said, I'm still young and I (hopefully) have many years of running ahead of me. So, no need to rush back into things now and mess things up in the long haul. It all happened when I ran the Detroit Marathon back in late October (see this post) and I had some physical therapy after all of the swelling and most of the pain went away. It helped for the most part but there was only so much they could do in the best interest of my insurance and such that I still got some pain on the lateral condyle of my tibia where the IT Band attaches. Well now I don't have insurance because I was on my parents' plan and I graduated college in December, so I can't do more physical therapy without paying a bundle for it. Anyhow, I definitely have been doing a lot of work on the elliptical and the exercise bike to keep my fitness up....but I haven't done any swimming. That's something I definitely need to be doing for sure. And as of right now, I'm working on strengthening and stretching, specifically in the hip/glute area, in hopes of confirming the theory that knee pain begins at the pelvic area.

In any case, thanks for the advice. Hopefully next post I won't keep beating a dead horse...


At Sat Mar 10, 05:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that things aren't improving with your knee. Keep working at it. It will happen eventually. But, I know the frustration. So often I give up for a day or two and then I realize that I've got to keep working to improve - no quitting allowed! :) Keep a positive outlook is probably the hardest thing. I'll keep you in my prayers!

At Sat Mar 10, 05:47:00 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Man buddy, I keep hoping you're going to have positive news for us one of these days. And I know you will, just not as fast as we'd like huh?

How excited are you for next Thursday? I'm pretty much bouncing off the walls with excitement. If I didn't have two midterms, I'd totally take the entire day off as a "mental health/must watch basketball" day.

Hope things improve soon with legs! :o)


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