Friday, March 02, 2007

More questions than answers

So it's not like I've forgotten to update the blog and write some posts, it's that I honestly haven't had any time to do it. Anyway, I'm gonna make this short because this is only a short window of free time that I have.

Really I could write a couple of paragraphs of what I did this week but it would just sound like the same old mush. Tuesday, though, was bad....I was a mess. All through the injuries I've been trying to stay positive and think of the bright side. On Tuesday I tried a couple miles on the treadmill and things felt relatively alright, but afterwards the foot sort of hurt and the knee was sort of aching. That all just made me so frustrated, and then MSU had to go lose to Michigan in basketball later that night. Let's just say I wasn't a happy camper.

Suzi from work gave me some good exercises to do that will strengthen my hip and gluteal muscles, so that's looking on the bright side. I was also reading an article in Runner's World about knee pain and how a lot of it can be related to imbalances in the hip muscles. Sooooo perhaps if I strengthen those then things will be much better. Only time will tell. It just sucks because I feel like I'm left with more questions than answers.


At Sun Mar 04, 12:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration. Sometimes it seems like the injuries are unending.

Keep doing those hip/glut. exercises. When I had knee issues, it turned out to be my hip that was the problem. Don't forget about your hip flexors either. Runners typically have very tight flexors. We do a lot of flexing and not as much extending.

At Mon Mar 05, 02:04:00 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Geez buddy, you're injury situation sucks! Hope things start looking up soon!

P.S. Sorry about the basketball loss...that just blows!

At Wed Mar 07, 10:43:00 PM, Blogger Journey to a Centum said...

Our running club has a little saying that goes like this: Put on your big boy pants and suck it up!

Seriously it sounds like you need to spend some time with a physical therapist to work out all the problems you are dealing with. Preferably someone who specializes in sports rehab.

This is my first visit to your blog so I don't know a lot about your running history or exactly how and when these injuries came about. Sounds like a good time to take a break and concentrate on swimming or some other low impact cross training such as a Precor EFX elliptical trainer.

There will be plenty of races in your future if you care for yourself now. Don't risk losing a lifetime of running by rushing back to running before you have completely healed.



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