Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm nothing without pain

I'm a busy guy who needs to go to bed right now, that's just how it is.

Monday I biked 11 miles, Tuesday I ellipticalled for 4 miles and my left arch kind of felt funky afterwards...more on that in a second. Wednesday I biked 6 miles, and today I was gonna set out two run 4 or 5 miles. Welllllll my left arch had felt better by today so I was gonna give it a try, but I only got 2 miles on the treadmill before it was hurting me like nothing else. I've had these new custom made inserts for a month and a half now, so I figure I should be more than used to them by now. Anyway I got really frustrated because my IT band felt absolutely fantastic, and now something else happens to me. Figures. I biked 5 more low-impact miles after that just to get some volume in that I wasn't able to get with the running. I've iced the foot numerous times since then and it's feeling better now, but I doubt I'll be able to run tomorrow like I was planning on doing. I'll probably just bike.....who knows.

I wish I had a "get out of pain free" card.


At Fri Feb 02, 04:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That so sucks! I know the feeling. Your body is probably adjusting and realigning for the inserts and that's causing the pain elsewhere. Here's what I just discovered - it may be different for you. . . My outer ankle was extremely weak. If I balanced on that foot, my inner foot muscles were doing the work to try and help me maintain balance - thus, some major pain in the arch/plantar fascia. Try balancing on one foot and pay attention to what muscles are working. Your inserts turn your foot slightly outward, so your inner foot may be overcompensating to try and keep you stable. Just a thought. :) I hope everything gets back to normal soon. Sometimes it's a long process.

At Sun Feb 04, 11:00:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

someone so needs to invent the get out of pain free card....i'd invest good money in it...


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