Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sitting, waiting, wishing

It's a nod to Jack Johnson, but it honestly describes how I've been feeling lately. Yesterday I just lifted weights and today I went swimming for a little bit - not a whole lot of high impact stuff. I'm planning on taking an ice bath later today to see if that helps, but I've also been trying to bombard my calf with all of the healing techniques that I know of. Well....maybe bombard isn't the right word, but really I'm doing all I can.

Have any of you ever been away from something for a period of time, and then when you see it again you get the feeling that you really wanna get back to it? That's how I was earlier today...there's a big long trail along the Red Cedar River that stretches into Lansing that I like to run along every now and then, and as I was driving over a bridge today that goes over the river, I saw the trail. It makes me miss running so much, but I know I just have to wait....and wish this thing will quickly go away.

Guess I don't have a lot on my mind today....hope everybody had a great holiday weekend.


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