Monday, July 03, 2006

Momma said there would be days like this

Soooooo I finally went out for a run on Saturday! I felt good enough to do 4 miles, and honestly it felt like 30 minutes of heaven. Everything felt great....well, everything was fine except for a little extra huffing and puffing, but give me a couple more runs and I'll be back to normal with that aspect.

I'd also be a total liar if I said I had nothing bad to report. It almost seems like a "two steps forward, one step back" with this injury. The run was two steps forward, but I also still felt a little something there on Sunday to put me one step back. It's not as bad as it was before, but it's still there. To be completely honest, it's getting frustrating and pissing me off, but I'm trying to do everything I can to get myself back out there. As much as I didn't want to, I hopped on the elliptical today and did 3 miles.

I've officially decided that I'm not gonna do Max's 5K this weekend. I was hoping that maybe I could get in a few runs before then and be in semi-good running shape, but there's no way in hell that it's gonna happen now. It disappoints me because this race is on campus and on pretty much the same course where I set my PR back in April. It's also only the 2nd annual race, and I didn't run it last year because I was healing my IT band injury.

I wanna end this post by giving a shoutout to my dad. Back when he was in his 20s, he was running a bunch and was at a respectable weight...but then he blew his knee out and he never really got back into shape after that. He slowly gained weight and for the past few years he's been over 200 lbs. He works out 6 days a week on a treadmill and a Nordic-trak, but he offsets that by constantly seems like he's always eating something. Finally, sometime last year, he made a deal to lose the weight and he's been doing well with that. He's cut out a lot of bad food from his diet and replaced it with low-fat, multi-grain foods. Sometime last week, the treadmill died so he and my mom have had to go outside for their running/walking workouts. Little did my dad know, he really enjoyed it. He mapped out a little 1.5 mile loop that he planned on doing 3 times for a total of 4.5 miles and last week when he tried it out, he accidentally lost count and did 4 loops for 6 miles. But the thing was, his body didn't notice it either in that he didn't become overly tired or anything. So anyway, when I was talking to him the other day, he told me that he was 230 lbs and has since dropped to 205 and he set an ambitious goal of dropping to around 180 and running a half-marathon sometime in 2007. So, best of luck to him with that! I'm sure I'll be giving updates on that in future posts.

Happy 4th of July to everybody!


At Mon Jul 03, 08:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about your nagging injury. I can relate. I spent almost 2 years fighting an ITband injury. What a nightmare! Take care of yourself.

At Fri Jul 07, 09:24:00 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

Good idea to give yourself so rest instead of running a 5k. Rest is much better.


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