Monday, July 02, 2007

Starting over

Here I am, back to my Monday night shenanigans again.

Guess what....I ran 10 miles in the last week! I ran two each on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and each of those runs made my calves pretty sore since this new gait stresses the muscles more rather than the bone. I also had another mile mixed in there throughout the day on Wednesday as Todd was helping me fix some alignment issues, but I was pretty much going to be stuck on 2 miles a day until my calves could handle it. Well, apparently that was yesterday...they felt a lot better and stronger during the days on Saturday and Sunday, so last night I sauntered out for a 3 mile run. Everything went great...the calves were a tad sore, but not nearly as bad as they had been. The route I ran was the shortened version of my usual campus run along the river and it was also the first time I had run that path since....oh....February? So you can imagine how giddy I was.

I really think I'm getting the hang of this new gait, and it's getting me REALLY excited. The cool thing about all of it is how much more efficient I believe I am. Before, my average run would be about 7:20 or so per mile, and now I'm putting in the same perceived effort and it's getting me 6:50 - 7:00 minutes per mile. Plus with my three mile run last night, I barely felt gassed at all. It all just adds ammo to those positive thoughts.

Hmmmm what else... there's really nothing else new going on with me. Lately it seems that all I do is eat, work, sleep, and repeat. But there's nothing wrong with that.....right?


At Tue Jul 03, 12:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wa-hoo!!!! :) You're running! :) Need I say more? Enjoy your short jaunts and don't get crazy and try to go long yet.

At Wed Jul 04, 10:43:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

whoooooo hooooo!!!!!! Ten miles in a week rocks!!! I am so excited for you! :o) Being back out on an old course must have been awesome! YAY Justin!


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