Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rub it out

Check it out, I'm typing a post on a's that for a change of pace?

I definitely have good news about the foot. Around the time it started to really hurt last week, I massaged it a little bit and noticed a release point, or at least a little bit of popping. It had felt better after I did it but did I continue doing it? No...that is, until a few days ago, I started massaging it again for about 10 minutes, 3 times a day and that has made it feel TONS better. So my guess is that I had some kind of scar tissue down there, or maybe some kind of bursitis. Whatever it's going away.

The other exciting thing too is my's radical in the sense that I've been in the process of totally reworking the way I walk AND run. I've talked about how my running is changing for the better, but now Todd has me using the same methods for when I walk. And trust me, it's a lot more awkward to walk with the new form, especially if I've been a heel striker all my life. It has taken some time to get used to it, but I feel like I'm coming into my own. Based on previous wear patterns on my shoes and by watching myself walk via a mirror, I've traditionally struck on the outside of my foot and rolled in, but now I'm focusing more on hitting on the midfoot and getting the most out of my stride.

The other x-factor in all this is still the knee, and it has actually been feeling fantastic. I'm definitely gonna attribute that to the new gait and the "physical therapy" that Todd is putting me through. Thursday I used the elliptical for the first time in a while and went a mile with no pain anywhere, and this morning before work I ran a mile just to see how things were feeling. The foot sort of gave me pain, but it wasn't nearly as much as it has been giving me lately. So yes, good signs all around....let's hope they continue, in more ways than one.


At Sun Jun 24, 11:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you're going through. One thing getting better always seems to cause something else to freak out. Especially since you're changing your alignment. Your previous post about not using your shin muscle. . . interesting. It made me wonder what muscle I'm not using properly - since I'm still fighting heel pain. Keep focused - you'll get there!

At Sun Jun 24, 01:15:00 PM, Blogger Jess said...

Glad to hear a little bit of positiveness in your recovery. I'm really hoping for you that you can get back out there soon!


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