Monday, July 16, 2007

23 years young

Hooray, I turn 23 tomorrow!

The sidewalk sale came and went in a hurry. Today when I was working I took a step back and thought "Wow, that went by so fast..." Believe it or not, we sold 5,000 pairs of shoes on the first day (Thursday) and ended up selling 10,005 pairs of shoes thru the whole weekend. And that's also on top of all the apparel and accessories and stuff. So you can imagine how busy it was!

Let's see...Thursday I went 5 and Friday I went 4. The most ironic part about Friday is that I was walking right after I finished, and noticed something crawling across the street ahead of me. It was after sundown so I couldn't tell right away, but eventually I realized a black cat was crossing my path. On Friday the 13th. Technically aren't I lucky for seeing that on that day?

Sunday I tried 7, which is my longest so far since I've gotten back in to running. It actually went ok...though I did go a little too fast. Try 6:51 pace. Oh well, at least I made I gotta work on the whole pacing thing. I started from my parents' house for the run and part of the route went winding through my neighborhood. At one point I passed by the house where one of my childhood friends used to live, and it brought back so many memories. We used to play basketball on his driveway all the time back in 5th grade before he moved away, and now the pole is all rusty and the net is all frayed and hanging by some loose ends. Oh memories...

Yesterday during the day I also got progressively sicker and sicker. It sucks now because I have a massive head cold or something. I tried 3 miles tonight and it sucked because I could hardly breathe. Oh well, let's hope I feel better soon...


At Tue Jul 17, 09:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday little brother!
Hee hee, don't forget I used to live with a black cat--it crossed my path multiple times every day!

At Tue Jul 17, 10:47:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have an awesome day!

At Wed Jul 18, 10:25:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Side note: You have the same birthday as my dad!

At Thu Jul 19, 06:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Young'un! :)

Sounds like that running is progressing quite well. Sorry you're sick. Take it easy and get healthy so you can run well.

10,000 shoes in a weekend? That must be one big sale! Dang! No wonder you got sick. You must be exhausted!


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