Happy birthday to me!

It seems like everytime I publish a post, I think of something an hour later that I wanted to include in there. I really should start saving my posts as drafts and then posting it a few hours later. Anyway, when I got my new running shoes from Playmakers, it was during their semi-annual sidewalk sale, and my high school cross country coach was there helping out. He's up there on the list of most influential people in my life, he's such a great guy. We talked about shoes and stuff and how I'm running my first marathon this fall....you know, the basic stuff. He also talked about the "what if's"....like what if I had run cross country before my senior year of high school? He thinks I would've been one of the best in the area during my senior year if I had a wealth of experience under my belt, yet fate had it in me to only run cross during my senior year. Also, what if I hadn't run cross during my senior year? Would I be running now? It just kind of makes you wonder, not just about running, but about anything in life. What if you hadn't done certain things, would it make you any more or any less of a person? Would it change the kinds of activities you do or make you look at life differently?
Sounds like some deep thinking. . . must be that you're getting old. :) Happy birthday!
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