Monday, June 05, 2006

No,'ve gotta be kidding me

By refraining from starting out with a few swear words, let me just say that I've got bad news....I'm hurt again. It's frustrating in two ways:
  1. I was almost all the way better and was doing everything to get better and prevent this from coming back, and
  2. I told myself not to force it, and I did.
So yea. I did a short 3 mile recovery run on Saturday and everything felt OK. I mean, it was nothing out of the ordinary, really. I came home and was adamant about icing it and everything. Saturday night I had to work and I was on my feet for most of that time and nothing felt bad. Afterwards we went out to get pizza, and when we were done, I got up and BOOM. Sharp pain in my calf! "Fuck this." That's all I could think. So it hurt all that night and most of Sunday. Today it's ok...but I decided that I'm gonna take this whole week off so I can figure out what's going on with this. I'm still definitely gonna lift and ride a bike, just so I can stay active without putting too much stress on my lower leg.

One thing about me is that 'quit' is not in my vocabulary. I've always been a small guy and I always like to prove my worth, in a sense. So it's surprising that I almost broke down and told my parents that I wanted to see the family doctor about this. I know I still probably should...but I'll see how it feels after a week. I was reading on Zeke's blog recently that sometimes a runner just has to stop running in order to heal. But it's so hard! It's the last thing that you, me, or any other runner wants to do. Sigh....

If I had felt good today, I was planning on doing a semi-long run, probably 7 miles, just so I could get back on track with my training plan. I ended up running 19.5 miles last week, which is right on average for what I've been doing this year.


At Tue Jun 06, 01:12:00 PM, Blogger Chad said...

Honestly, racing a 5k so close to an injury probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. But you're young and that's how you learn these things; trial and error.

Seriously, tell your parents and go see the doctor - that's what insurance is for. The family dr. probably can't help much but should be able to refer you to a specialist. Nip this in the bud before you "waste" the whole racing season.


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