So....who am I?
Recently I've been looking at other running blogs as a way of meeting other people across the country who love to run, as well as to get some ideas for how to format my blog. As I've been doing this, I've noticed that most people have a post or two that kind of let the reader know who they are. I also noticed that I didn't really say too much about myself, except for the whole running part. So, for all of you reading this that don't know me, I just finished my senior year at Michigan State but I've still got one more semester to go so I'm on track to graduate in December with a degree in kinesiology. After that is anybody's guess. I either want to go to med school and go on the path toward orthopedic surgery and all the stress that comes with it, or I want to go grad school in kinesiology with a specialty in exercise physiology and nutrition. Lately I've been leaning toward the second option because just studying for the MCAT put me under a ton of stress, and I know med school will bring that amount of stress times five. Being a runner, I'm also really fascinated with the human body and how it reacts to exercise and nutrients and stuff like that....hence the 2nd option. So we'll see what happens. The way I see it, everything tends to work out in the end, right?
Today I did my usual 4 miles that I do a couple days before a race. My calf has been feeling better, but today it felt a bit tender. Seeing as though the race on Friday isn't until 7:30pm, I have a little bit of leeway to rest and ice it to make it feel better by then. I also bought some short Brooks running shorts last week and I ran with them today just to see how they felt and so I wouldn't surprise myself on race day. I haven't worn short running shorts since I ran cross country in high school, so I almost felt naked today!
My roomate just came in and asked me if I wanted to go to a chili cook-off in Lansing on Friday...could you imagine eating chili and then running a race? Mmmmmmm.....
Story time! After I got off of work the other night, I went over to my buddy's house. He was having a party for his roomate, who is soon going to Baltimore or something for an internship. Everybody was pretty much drunk when I got there...but after two shots of whiskey (trust me, I'm a lightweight), I was in the backyard with a couple of my friends watching two guys play two girls in beer pong. Gotta love college towns! Anyway as we were shooting the shit, I overheard one of the girls say "run" and "Cooley", so I piped up and was like "You're running Cooley on Friday?!?" She said probably, and I was like "ME TOO!!!" Haha. So we talked for a little bit and it made me happy because I met a runner girl :) Not like anything will come of it, with the luck I've been having, but you never know. I met a girl at this race last year who said she was gonna run a bunch of other local races after that, but I haven't seen her since then. I bet I scared her off.
Next post won't be til after the race...we'll see how I do!