Saturday, May 13, 2006

Patience is a virtue let's see how well my thoughts come out on this one....

Went on the elliptical trainer again yesterday, mostly as a precautionary measure. My shin splints are feeling a lot better now, mostly because I've been doing lots of icing, toe taps, calf raises, spelling the alphabet with my big toe....pretty much everything I should have been doing in the first place to prevent them. And I always get them too, I think it's because of my biomechanics. I land on my heel a little too much and that kind of acts as a natural "brake pedal" for the body and puts more impact and shock on the lower leg. So since last summer I've been trying to strike on the midfoot, or close to it, but it's always SO hard to change a process that you've been doing for so long. My calf does feel a lot better now too, I think Icy Hot should take a lot of credit on that one, haha. Yesterday when I woke up, the only pain was just a pretty dull pain near my sort of felt like a sprain but I haven't done anything recently that would have made me sprain it. But anyway, even though it felt a lot better, I still didn't wanna rush it. And it was like 48 degrees and rainy all day yesterday....hell yea for Michigan weather! I'd say I was about 80% yesterday but that's still not 100% so I'm taking it easy day by day. It's also a good sign that I'm able to go up and down stairs a lot easier now.

Last night I went out to the bars and had a couple....and by a couple, I mean I got pretty messed up. :) I think I deserved it though, I had a rough semester and this week I really had nothing going on or nothing upcoming that I needed to worry about. But anyway I remember somebody in our group started running, and I really needed to catch up to them for some reason so I ran too....but I don't remember anything hurting at all. But yea....right. Anyway, I was gonna go back on the elliptical today just because I can't go tomorrow, but I've felt like crap allllll day today. That's what I get. So I'll have to be content with 12 miles this week, which I'm gonna have to make believe is a blessing in disguise because I really need to take it easy. Hopefully on Monday I can make it back outside.

And one more thing....the Big Ten track and field championships were yesterday and today at MSU, and I ran into a couple of runners from Wisconsin last night. I asked them what events they run and a couple of them said 5000 meters (5K), so I asked them what kind of times they run. Bad move. The first number I heard was 13. It didn't really matter what the second part of the time was, I was so amazed. Can you imagine that? A 4:30 mile pace gives you about a 13:57 5K and those guys were probably a little bit under that. Wow.....that's all I gotta say.


At Tue May 23, 11:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue May 23, 11:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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