Seventeen days later...
Don't worry, I'm still alive. I just had to take a break from everything in the past couple of weeks. Now that the MCAT and everything that goes along with it is over, I got more hours at work, plus I'm helping tutor a friend in a physiology class so I've had to actually keep on reading/studying things. So I've been busy but I'm back now and trying to recap the past couple of weeks...
I went to Boston, that was pretty fun. In a way, I was so glad that I wasn't running because the weather was pretty crappy. That Sunday night was cold and rainy and windy, and it just got worse overnight. I kept waking up in the middle of the night before the marathon because the wind kept whipping against the window, and I knew my sister was waking up too. Race day wasn't too bad....I mean it was raining at the beginning and my sister said she got downpoured on from miles 5-7, but I sto
This past Sunday (the 22nd) was the first 5K of the 2007 Playmakers Race Series - the Race For The Place 5K on the campus of MSU. So being the running-deprived kid that I am, I went out and watched it. Three guys that I work with were running it so I wanted to cheer them on anyway. This was the race that I set a PR at last year and also happens to be the picture in my profile, so I was a bit sad about not being able to run it, but that's life.
Today was the second race in the series, the Race For The Cure 5K in Lansing. I wasn't able to watch this one because I had to work, but Jake swung by before we closed to pick up some stuff and he still had his racing shorts and singlet on. So I asked him how he ran, and he was like "Oh....good." So I was like "You won, didn't you?" and he smiled and was like "Yea..." Haha, he's modest too.
You're all probably kind of wondering about my knee too, huh? Well...I don't really have any good news, though I wish I did. That's also part of the reason I had no motivation to write any posts in the past two and a half weeks because nothing was happening. This past Thursday it just seemed to hurt a bit more and give new meaning to two steps forward and one step should be more like three steps back in my case. It's so frustrating because I've been trying every trick in the book such as using a foam roller, strengthening adductors/abductors/hip muscles, stretching on a daily basis, etc. and I'm not seeing any results. Today marks exactly six months since the Detroit Marathon where everything turned to shit, and I'm still not back out there. So I've decided I'm gonna call the doc tomorrow and see what he can do for me since I really don't have insurance right now. It's a complicated situation for sure, but every day I try to keep a positive attitude about it. I even had a couple of people tell me the other day that they're frustrated for me. It's definitely great to know that I have some support, but it would be so nice to be healthy again and not actually need that support. Soon...that's what I keep telling myself.